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Worried About Your Cat's Obesity Problems?

Dan Jackson on

Published in Cats & Dogs News

Almost twenty-five percent of cats are known to be clinically obese. This refers to excess fat accumulation in the body. This fact is very important because obesity tends to reduce the life span of your cat. Obesity also leads to Heart Disease, Arthritis, Skin Disorders, and Cancer, Lower Urinary Tract Disease, Fatty Liver Disease, and Diabetes. This can result from Diabetes too. In both cases weight loss tends to help regulate blood sugar and decreases or eliminates the necessity for insulin. This also tends to increase the risk of anesthesia in cats and makes them more intolerant to warmth and reduces their stamina. Every cat or dog (body condition being optimal) has around 15 to 20 percent of fat in the body.


The process of aging can affect the fat accumulation in the body. The process of aging also effects body fat capacity. Dogs and cats that are less than 2 years of age are very rarely over weight. These problems can increase as they grow. Six to eight years of age is when there is a tendency for weight problems to reach their heights. After the age of 10 to 12, cats and dogs become skinnier and many tend to be in less than the optimal body condition weight.

Genetics and Breed also tend to influence the body weight of cats. Cats of mixed breeds suffer more from weight problems than the pure breeds.

Male and female cats, that are neutering have a decreased body functions rate of around 20 to 25 percent. Calorie reduction of the same amount will also help the prevention of weight gain in cats after getting through the neutering period.

Low levels of the Thyroid Hormone can cause too much of weight gain. But this hardly occurs in cats.

The body weight of cats is greatly influenced by many factors. You should also take into account the calorie intake because many owners get their cats to indulge, with over-sized portions and many treats. This is the main cause of obesity in cats.

What can we do to prevent this?

Before getting your pet cat started on any weight-loss program, have your suspicions confirmed by a reliable vet.


Check whether your cat is really overweight. Cats should generally weigh 8 to 12 pounds i.e. 3 to 4 kilograms. Some may also grow to be close to 5.5 kilograms but cats whose body weight is over 6 kilograms; they come under the obese category.

Healthy cats tend to have an hourglass type of figure, meaning that their chest should be much wider than their abdomen.

To successfully lose weight owners must reduce calories, increase exercise and monitor their cat's progress regularly.

Protein of high quality like chicken, liver, beef, etc should make up at least 60 percent of their diet. This is needed to prevent excessive loss of body tissues. Levels of protein less than 60% tend to stimulate metabolism and increase weight loss.

So keep your cat healthy and happy, and of course, fit!


This article has been written by Dan Jackson, who gives tips and advice on cats including soft paws for cats, which help save your furniture from your cat.



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