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Tips for handling a hyperactive dog

American Kennel Club, American Kennel Club on

Published in Cats & Dogs News

Hyperactivity is a commonly reported behavioral concern of dog owners. In many cases, the problem is really that the dog may need a more suitable exercise plan and activity opportunities.

The American Kennel Club offers the following tips for the owner of the energetic dog:

Daily exercise. Adequate exercise is extremely important for your dog to be healthy and happy. Create a daily exercise plan and stick to it. Not only will it be beneficial for them to be exposed to consistent physical and mental stimulation, but your dog will also appreciate the routine.

Know your breed. For active breeds, a quick walk on a leash may not always do the trick. Try a game of fetch or running games in a fenced yard or a dog park. If you are away from home for long periods of time, doggie daycare may be a better option for your dog to release some energy.

Give your dog a job to do. Some active breeds can benefit greatly from something to do on a regular basis that involves both physical and mental activity. AKC performance events such as field work, herding, lure coursing and dock diving are perfect for canine athletes. AKC activities such as obedience, agility and rally also provide a great combination of the physical and mental stimulation needed for an active dog.


Teach basic commands. Once you’ve met the exercise needs of an active dog, basic obedience skills such as sit, down and stay can be helpful tools when managing your dog’s behavior. When company comes and the dog can’t “settle,” a down-stay is often just what is needed to help your dog calm down.

Checkup. If you’ve established an appropriate exercise plan for your dog’s age and breed and they continue to appear overactive, a veterinary checkup is recommended. While most of the time, exercise, training and activities are the issue, there are medical conditions that can cause your dog’s hyperactive behavior. Your dog’s veterinarian can do a comprehensive medical examination to rule out any problems.

For more information on responsible dog ownership, visit the AKC at

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