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Tips on spending quality time with your dog as the seasons change

American Kennel Club, American Kennel Club on

Published in Cats & Dogs News

When you’re a dog owner, every day is spent appreciating your pup. This is especially true during the summer, when there may be more time to spend with our canine companions (maybe another dog has even been added to the family!).

The best way to strengthen the human-canine bond is through quality time. With summer coming to an end and seasonal transitions approaching, it’s important to be reminded of the ways that we can spend quality time.

The American Kennel Club offers the following tips for pet owners:

Get outdoors. Spending time outside is always a good way to celebrate with your pup. An urban trail or park are good options to explore. Always check in with your veterinarian to make sure your dog is in good health and if hiking, don’t forget a collapsible water dish, water and snacks.

Give some love. There’s no better way to spend quality time with your canine companion than to show them some love. Dogs, just like humans, require love and attention to thrive. Always make your dog feel at home.


Learn something new. Dog sports are great exercise and a great way to bond with your dog. There are sports for all dogs to enjoy and plenty of opportunities to get involved. You can be proud of accomplishing the goals you set together, whether you are training just for fun or to compete.

Responsible dog ownership. It’s always important to be continuously reflecting on the joy and responsibility of owning a dog. Owning a dog is a huge commitment. Think about the ways you practice responsible dog ownership and care for the well-being of your dog.

For more information on responsible pet ownership, visit the AKC at

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