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Recycling employee rescues kitten from waste compactor


Published in Cats & Dogs News

(UPI) A worker for a New Jersey recycling program climbed into the back of a truck to rescue a kitten that wound up in his waste compactor.

Burlington County Regional Recycling Program employee Mark Motta said he was checking on his truck when he discovered an oil-covered kitten trapped the waste compactor.

"I shut everything off and climbed in the back of the truck to get her," Motta told the Asbury Park Press.

The kitten was taken to the Rise Again Animal Rescue and is now being fostered by Samantha Stamile, who also works for the recycling program.

Motta was recently reunited with the kitten, now named Squishy.


"Squishy has been doing well after her adventures, and came back to the office today to officially meet her savior," the rescue group said in an Instagram post. We don't know how Squishy ended up in the recycling bin, but we are so glad she's safe!

Motta said he was just happy to help.

"Just doing my part for the cats," he said. Just want her to get a good home. She deserves it.

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