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Tips on having your dog in your bridal party

American Kennel Club, American Kennel Club on

Published in Cats & Dogs News

Happy wedding season!

Because our dogs are our companions, many people want to include them in the big day’s celebration. To ensure that your dog’s participation in the festivities goes smoothly, the American Kennel Club offers the following tips for including your dog in your wedding safely.

Consider your dog’s temperament. Before you make the decision about whether to include your pup in the wedding party, consider your dog’s temperament. If your dog is easily overwhelmed by environmental changes, crowds, or lots or attention, including them may not be for the best.

Double check the venue. When planning the big day, be sure to check that the venue will approve of your dog on the premises. Not only that but discuss with the wedding photographer about the fact that your pup will be included.

Tell the guests. It’s always important to inform your guests that a dog will be present and part of the day. Some guests, whether for fear or because of allergies, may choose not to attend.


Consider an obedience course. Prior to the day, it might be a good idea to take a refresher obedience class with your pup. This way your dog can follow directions successfully during the ceremony.

Include a “handler” in the bridal party. During the ceremony and while you recite your vows, have your dog sit with a family member or pet sitter in the audience. This person can come prepared with treats and dog baggies. Always have a leash on hand for your pup.

For more tips on responsible dog ownership, visit

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