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Dog Breeds - Shetland Sheepdog


Published in Cats & Dogs News

Bred to be small sheep dogs suited for the terrain of Scotland's Shetland Islands, the Shetland Sheepdog ("Sheltie") is an outstanding and loyal companion, lively, intelligent, trainable, and willing to please and obey. While they're affectionate with their family, they can be aloof with strangers and should be socialized extensively. Shelties do especially well with children if they are raised with them from an early age.

With a still strong herding instinct, some Shelties may try to "herd" groups of people by running around, barking, and nipping at heels. Shelties have a double coat with a long, straight, water-repellent topcoat, and a short, furry, and very dense undercoat which helsp keep the dog warm. They typically only need to be brushed once or twice a week. Shelties do best with a sensitive, yet firm, owner and are highly trainable.




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