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Family guide to new movie releases

Katie Walsh, Tribune News Service on

Published in Parenting News


Rated R for sexual content, nudity, drug use, language and some violence.

What it’s about: A sprawling epic about a misunderstood genius who wants to build a futuristic utopian community.

The kid attractor factor: Not much attraction for kids here. This is for adults only.

Good lessons/bad lessons: Daring thinkers will always initially seem like a threat to the old ways of life.

Violence: Political violence and unrest, shooting with arrows, grisly images, dead bodies.

Language: Swearing throughout.

Sex: Sexual references, sexual behavior, some nudity.

Drugs: On-screen use of cocaine and marijuana, references to psilocybin and other drugs.

Parents’ advisory: Too mature for kids (not much appeal for them either). This one is for adults only.




Rated R for disturbing images, language and nudity.

What it’s about: Follows the photographer and war correspondent Lee Miller during World War II, when she shot some of her most important images of the Holocaust.

The kid attractor factor: This is an adult drama, not much appeal for kids.

Good lessons/bad lessons: We carry our traumas all our lives, they can drive us or destroy us, or both.

Violence: Wartime combat — bombings and firefights, and grisly/bloody images of wounded soldiers, genocide, dead bodies. References to sexual violence.

Language: Swearing throughout.

Sex: References to sex, some implied sex scenes, nudity.

Drugs: Alcohol and pill abuse.

Parents’ advisory: This biopic is all based in real life, but it is too mature for kids. For teens and adults only.


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