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Family guide to new movie releases

Katie Walsh, Tribune News Service on

Published in Parenting News


Rated R for bloody violent content and language.

What it’s about: This seventh "Alien" movie, taking place after the events of "Alien," follows a crew of youths who come upon the xenomorphs while scavenging for equipment on the ship.

The kid attractor factor: This is more of an adult-oriented horror/sci-fi thriller

Good lessons/bad lessons: If a ship is abandoned, it's for a reason.

Violence: Some extreme bloody violence, stabbings, shootings, alien invasion via the face, etc.

Language: Swearing throughout.

Sex: None

Drugs: None

Parents’ advisory: This is too dark and violent for kids. OK for teens.




Rated R for sexual content, graphic nudity, language throughout, some violence and brief drug use.

What it’s about: A sleazy Hollywood thriller about a celebrity aesthetician who's being stalked and slandered.

The kid attractor factor: This is more of an adult thriller.

Good lessons/bad lessons: Don't make wild assumptions, be careful who you trust.

Violence: Some beatings, car wrecks and other bloody violence.

Language: Swearing throughout.

Sex: Some images of graphic nudity, references to sex and extreme sex acts.

Drugs: Onscreen cocaine use.

Parents’ advisory: This is too mature for kids. OK for mature teens.


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