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A call to compassion and understanding in an increasingly divided world

Monique Snyman, on

Published in Mom's Advice

Set against the backdrop of post-Roe v. Wade America, "Refuge" by Bill VanPatten dives into the profound impact of state laws on individual freedoms and explores the complexities of family, prejudice, and resilience in the face of adversity, all while fearlessly delving into the intricacies of a woman’s right to choose.

Jesse Pérez, who is still grappling with the loss of his husband and trying to come to grips with the complexities of single parenthood, finds himself thrust into a tumultuous situation when Gloria, his teenage niece, seeks refuge from her own family following a harrowing experience that left her pregnant. As Jesse confronts his painful past and challenges the prejudices that tore his family apart, he embarks on a journey of redemption and self-discovery, determined to protect Gloria at all costs.

Bill VanPatten deftly navigates heavy topics, while also shining a light on the legal and moral landscapes that shape the lives of characters like Jesse and Gloria. It also leaves readers wondering what they would do if they found themselves in a similar situation …

The emotional depth of "Refuge" is palpable and will deeply resonate with readers as they witness Jesse and Gloria’s journey toward healing and redemption. Bill VanPatten navigates the nuances of trauma and resilience with the type of finesse that only a master storyteller is capable of, infusing the narrative with moments of vulnerability and hard-won triumph. What’s more, the author breathes life into the characters with raw authenticity that makes them both highly relatable in modern society. This intricate look into the characters’ growth gives readers a deep, unwavering glimpse into what profound grief can look like and what resilience truly is when coming face to face with terrible situations.

“As though after all she’d been through, it would be nice to have life be as simple as it was in that photo, maybe be that little girl again.”


The emotional impact readers can expect will resonate deeply and will transport them into a world where love and acceptance collide with hatred and bigotry. But there is hope! Through Jesse and Gloria’s intertwined narratives, the author showcases the enduring bonds of family and the transformative power of compassion and empathy.

“It was hell. Not like what they preach. Not a Bible hell. Not fire. It was hell on Earth. My own parents…I didn’t want to believe it, that—that they hated me so much.”

Grappling with challenging themes such as abuse, homophobia, and religious extremism and how these things can create irreparable divisions within families, Refuge ultimately serves as a reminder that compassion and understanding in an ever-increasingly divided world are incredibly important. After all, most of us have seen what division can do to families, as well as society as a whole. Readers may also be forced to confront their own biases and preconceptions, while at the same time being encouraged to embrace empathy and solidarity.

"Refuge" by Bill VanPatten is a powerful testament to the resilience of the human spirit and the enduring power of love in the face of adversity. With its rich tapestry of emotion and thought-provoking themes, VanPatten’s latest novel is a stirring call to action for readers everywhere. This is a book that demands to be read, its message echoing long after the final page is turned.


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