

Home & Leisure

Connecting With Your Children Is Vital

Parents / Focus on the Family /

Q: I want to be a good dad to my two young kids, but I struggle relating with them. I've got a successful career in sales and have no problem connecting well with my clients on an adult level. Do you have any tips on learning to speak "child"?

Jim: You may already have a finely honed skill that'll get you most of the way there. You're probably ...Read more

Disagreements Over Finances Common In Marriage

Parents / Focus on the Family /

Q: I'm a firm believer in budgeting, but my husband doesn't think it will work in our situation. How can I convince him that this approach is important?

Jim: Finances are one of the most significant -- and common -- issues in any marriage. Disagreements about money can create huge problems between husband and wife. But the need for good ...Read more

Look For Opportunities To Prioritize Time With Kids

Parents / Focus on the Family /

Q: As a dad, I definitely want to make my kids a priority. But I just don't have time! What can I do?

Jim: I get it: Life is busy, and it's challenging to balance work, home and our children's activities. But I think the opportunity to engage with our kids is often right in front of us if we'll just watch for it.

When my son, Troy, was in ...Read more

Marriage Is A Deeply Binding Commitment

Parents / Focus on the Family /

Q: My husband and I have been married for about two years. We're both already unhappy, and frankly we'd each have plenty of other options. What would you say to us before we split up?

Jim: First, the fact that you're even asking the question, rather than just divorcing, is a good sign. I'd suggest you consider this: Two-thirds of unhappy ...Read more


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