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Jeff Goldblum and Michelle Yeoh look cool in ‘Wicked’ still

Moira Macdonald, The Seattle Times on

Published in Fashion Daily News

OK, it’s rather hot as I’m writing this, and I can’t entirely explain why but this photo of Jeff Goldblum and Michelle Yeoh in costume for the upcoming movie of the musical “Wicked” is making me feel cooler.

They play the Wizard of Oz and Madame Morrible in the film, directed by Jon M. Chu and due out for Thanksgiving. Maybe it’s the bracing thought of a holiday movie season? Maybe it’s the costumes, designed by Paul Tazewell and featuring some gloriously ornate detail (that watch chain! that stand-up collar! that tie pin that looks like an eye!)?

Maybe it’s just that these two are, quite simply, the coolest?


At any rate, enjoy.

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