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Nearly 2 in 3 millennials, Gen Zers say they prefer alcohol-free dates

Avery Newmark, Atlanta Journal-Constitution on

Published in Fashion Daily News

Move over boozy brunches and cocktail-fueled first dates — millennials and Gen Zers are raising a glass of sparkling water to the latest trend: dry dating. This movement is all about ditching alcohol and focusing on creating genuine, sober connections.

According to a recent survey by, 23% of young adults have felt pressured to drink on a date, even when they didn’t want to. It’s no wonder nearly two-thirds (65%) of respondents prefer a dry date over one involving alcohol.

So, what’s motivating this shift? Health reasons, the type of date and the cost of alcohol are among the top factors, according to the survey. Interestingly, 73% of millennials and Gen Zers say they’re saving, on average, $88 a month by skipping the booze. For them, it’s a win-win situation.

The dry dating movement is gaining momentum, with 63% of young adults saying they are more likely to go on a sober date in 2024 than they were in 2023. In fact, 81% have already been on an alcohol-free date this year. Some are even venturing to sober bars, where mocktails and nonalcoholic beverages take center stage.


However, the benefits of dry dating extend beyond financial savings and novelty. A whopping 87% of young adults agree that dry dating is a healthier approach to forming romantic relationships. Without the influence of alcohol, daters reported more focused conversations and stronger connections. In fact, 68% said their connection with a date was better when alcohol wasn’t involved.

As millennials and Gen Zers redefine dating norms and reevaluate their relationship with alcohol, it seems sober curiosity is on the rise. Whether you’re cutting back or cutting out alcohol entirely, there’s never been a better time to explore creative date ideas that don’t involve drinking.

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