Life Advice



Celebrating Summer

Annie Lane on

Dear Annie: I feel you overlooked an important point in your response to "Inheritance Issues," which has been an occasional topic in your column.

Elder financial abuse is all too common. If the mother can't make bill payments without help, the implication is that the brother prepared, or had a lawyer prepare, the paperwork to transfer the beach property to himself. Was the mother acting as a well-informed and independent agent in this transaction?

The mother's excuses could be hiding a very real struggle with declining abilities. The other two siblings might be well advised to be less judgmental of their mother, converse with each other about their mother's state of health and, if possible, talk with her doctor. If her abilities are declining, she will need their understanding and possibly legal protection.

Dear Inheritance Issues: Thank you for your letter and commonsense suggestions.

Dear Annie: I love your column and read it every day.

I am a firm believer in positive vibes.


I believe in waking up every day in gratitude.

I believe in helping others.

I believe that we all have a purpose.

Thank you for living your purpose.


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