Life Advice



The average wedding costs $41,000 in California. 16 couples share what they really spent

Kailyn Brown, Los Angeles Times on

Published in Dating Advice

Live in:Palo Alto

Occupations:Marisa is a physician assistant; Matt is a computer engineer.

Where and when did you get married?Beverly Hills in July 2023

How much did you spend on your wedding?$3,500

Biggest expense?Photography

Looking back, what would you have done differently?Nothing


Any financial advice for couples who are planning a wedding?"Figure out what is a reasonable amount to spend on your wedding based on your finances, savings and family contributions and stay within that budget. This will help you in the long run."

Was it worth it?"Totally worth it. We didn't want to have a big wedding so we had a courthouse wedding. We had a luncheon afterward for our family. The following day we had a casual party at a brewery to invite more friends to celebrate. We got married later in life, so we have a different perspective about not having a costly wedding that doesn't put us into more debt and allows us to continue saving for retirement."

Destiny and James Lavigne

Live in: Los Angeles


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