Life Advice



Ask Amy: Anti-social son-in-law taxes family’s patience

Amy Dickinson, Tribune Content Agency on

Amy, this happened in the 1970's, when we were about 20.

Last year he died. When I read the obituary the memories came back, including the plaid knit slacks that he was wearing when he abused me.

I know other women my age who had similar experiences with doctors when they were young.

Thanks for letting me share this. This will help me to forget.

– Survivor

Dear Survivor: This is horrific. I’m so sorry this happened to you.


I think it is extremely important that you have told your story, but I wonder if this really will help you to forget.

I highly recommend that you speak to a counselor about this. I think it might also be a good idea to talk more with your dentist about your experiences.

You could also contact the state medical licensing board to report this abuse.

You can assume this doctor victimized other patients, and it might help you – and others – if you report this crime, even after the perpetrator’s death.


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