Life Advice



Ask Amy: Friend ruminates on social snub

Amy Dickinson, Tribune Content Agency on

Dear Amy: I'm having a hard time letting go of being snubbed by a close friend of many years.

My friendship with “Shelley” included our spouses and children.

We've celebrated, laughed, shared meals, vacations, worries and mourned together.

Recently I learned from a mutual friend that we both were excluded from two major celebrations hosted by her family.

(Other members of my extended family and friend group were invited.)

Shelley recently saw me at a different social event, ran up to me and said: "Can you forgive me?" without naming the offense I was to forgive her for.


I said, “Yes,” but I'm hurt.

She didn't acknowledge my comment, except to say that she's had a lot on her mind. Then she sort of drifted off.

It was a bizarre interaction and the apology felt glib.

Ever since then she's attempted to interact with me at social events, but I’ve been keeping my distance.


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