Health Advice



Are you a sheet cheat?

Did you know that you're going to spend 36 years of your life either hanging out or sleeping in bed? That's a lot of time wrapped in your sheets and snuggling with a blanket or comforter. But a recent survey found that most folks only change their sheets every 24 days and pillowcases every 25 days. (It's too much work to do them together?!)

...Read more

Older and depressed? How to avoid or manage depression

There are around 56 million folks age 65 and older in the U.S., and it's heartbreaking to think that around 14 million of them report some degree of depression, especially if they require home health care.

The consequences are far-reaching. Depression in older folks causes epigenetic changes to genes (turning them on or off) that increase body-...Read more

One more (easy, tasty) way to fight off COVID-19

If you are feeling a bit weary from worrying about catching COVID-19 (again!), sit back and enjoy a nice salad topped with 3 ounces of grilled fish and a couple of sides, like steamed artichokes and whole wheat pasta with olive oil, garlic and minced basil. You might even tip back a glass of Chianti. Now, that should revive your spirits and your...Read more

Making sure the kids are alright

When The Who sang "The Kids Are Alright," they were hoping it was true. But it's looking like it's a hope that we haven't been able to deliver on. However, that doesn't mean that you can't turn that around today -- and see great results.

Two recent studies are instructive. First, a recent one published in Nutrients found that 66% of the baby ...Read more

Hidden hazards: sneaky places fat and sugar show up in foods

When you're surprised by something -- pleasing or frightening -- your emotional intensity ratchets up 400%, according to the authors of the book "Surprise." So how do you feel about discovering that saturated fat and added sugar are hiding out in potentially unhealthy quantities in foods you never thought were risky?

A new study in Nutrients ...Read more

Hair today, gone tomorrow

Around 80% of men and nearly half of women contend with noticeable hair loss at one time or another. It may be hereditary or result from an autoimmune condition (alopecia areata), use of harsh "beauty" products, too much testosterone, thyroid disease or chemo. But hair loss is often caused by nutritional imbalances and stress -- which are often ...Read more

Taking the pressure off -- your blood pressure

Everyone is tense these days. Polls show the majority of us are nervous about staying safe and secure. No wonder high blood pressure (HBP) affects almost half of U.S. adults -- and, according to a commentary published in The American Journal of Medicine, only about 20% of folks with HBP are controlling it effectively. The health consequences are...Read more

How to hold on to the health benefits of your summer vacation

As summer winds down and memories of days spent at the beach or in a national park begin to fade, you want to hold on to the important physical and mental health benefits you got from your vacation.

Inspiration and creativity come from relaxation. Lin-Manuel Miranda says the idea for "Hamilton" came to him while on holiday: "It's no accident ...Read more

Happy feet, happy you!

If a moderately active person takes 7,500 steps a day up to age 80, they'll have put their feet down more than 216 million times! No wonder almost 90% of folks report foot pain at one time or another.

There's a lot that can get sore in a foot, since it contains 26 bones, 33 joints and more than 120 muscles, ligaments, tendons, and nerves. Over ...Read more

Is your cookware making you sick?

Flu season is around the corner, but right now there's a lot of talk about Teflon Flu -- a set of symptoms including headache, fever, chills, muscle aches, nausea, sweating and a bad taste in your mouth, that is caused by exposure to toxic fumes from nonstick cookware. It seems that Teflon and some replacement nonstick coatings that claim to be ...Read more

Drink in this new news

Almost 80% of folks ages 50 to 80 drink alcohol occasionally and approximately 20% of adults ages 60 to 64 and around 10% over the age of 65 report binge drinking. One poll even found that more than a quarter of adults over 50 and 10 % over age 65 report having six or more drinks on at least one occasion in the past year.

That's risky business ...Read more

You can tame your sweet tooth

You know you're eating more added sugar than you should (which in an ideal world is none!). And you're not alone. The average American takes in 17 teaspoons of added sugars from foods like sweetened beverages and desserts daily! That adds up to 270 calories a day or just under 100,000 extra calories a year. Yikes! No wonder sweet snacking ...Read more

Walk away from your health risks

It's true, we're walking-obsessed, and for good reasons. But you may think the benefits are limited to improving balance, leg strength and respiration, along with dispelling stress and managing your blood sugar. Not quite.

Research shows that walking has far-reaching powers to counter even genetic predispositions to poor health! When Harvard ...Read more

Three ways to stop age-related muscle loss

Many people find that they're hitting their stride around age 35. But the body has other ideas. That's when the gradual loss of muscle mass begins. Folks typically experience a 1% to 2% loss of muscle annually up to age 60, then it accelerates to around 3%. This creates a condition called sarcopenia. And while muscle is lost, folks often ...Read more


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