Health Advice



How to reduce your risk for STIs

Unprotected sex, AKA sex without the use of a condom, is astoundingly common. Among teens and young adults, fully 69% report recently having unprotected sex. No wonder around half of sexually transmitted infections, or STIs, such as gonorrhea and syphilis show up in teens and 20-somethings. Older adults aren't much more careful. New information ...Read more

Vitamin D -- a hormone workhorse for your health

Vitamin D is an interesting vitamin since it's actually a hormone. It's mostly produced by exposure of your skin to sunlight -- about 10% of your body's active vitamin D comes from foods you eat. When your body produces vitamin D from the sun and absorbs it from food, the liver and kidneys convert it into the hormone calcitriol.

In your body, ...Read more

The tale of telomeres: It's never too late to prevent DNA damage

Nobel laureate Elizabeth Blackburn, says, "Telomeres are the protective caps at the ends of chromosomes ... They are like the tips of shoelaces. If you lose the tips, the ends start fraying." This "fraying" affects your ability to produce more stem cells, which are like mother cells that can turn into any other cell in your body and repair ...Read more

Salt's assault on heart health

Americans ate at least 106 billion pounds of salt in 2023. And it's estimated that more than 70% of it comes from packaged foods and restaurant meals. The biggest culprits are deli meats, pizza, tacos and burritos, and snacks like chips and crackers. Food additives used in prepared and packaged food, such as MSG, baking soda, sodium nitrite, and...Read more

Detoxing decaf

We have written a lot about the many benefits of drinking coffee -- even decaf. But there's news about a risk from decaf that we haven't discussed before. It turns out that some decafs come with an unwelcome additive: a chemical called methylene chloride. In addition to stripping the caffeine out of the coffee bean, that chemical is (or was) ...Read more

How the mind and body work when you have heart disease

Between 20% and 30% of folks diagnosed with heart disease also contend with anxiety or depression, according to a study in Frontiers in Psychology. And in the first year after having a heart attack or stroke, for example, mental distress affects almost half of those folks. That's not surprising. It's troubling to contend with a potentially life-...Read more

Two ways to sleep better -- and safer

Do you have trouble sleeping? You are not alone. Inadequate sleep is a major health issue in America. Around a third of folks have trouble falling asleep, staying asleep or sleeping for the recommended seven to nine hours. There are a lot of possible reasons, from anxiety to chronic bladder problems, but two common situations may be the cause: ...Read more

Sugary beverages up kids' risk of insulin resistance and diabetes

Somewhere around 60% of kids drink at least one sugary beverage, such as soda, lemonade or an energy drink, every day, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. That sets them up for serious health challenges down the road. Preliminary research presented at the American Heart Association's Epidemiology and Prevention -- ...Read more

How to protect your muscle tone as you age

Super-muscle guys like Dwayne Johnson (51) and Arnold Schwarzenegger (76) are able to preserve their muscle strength through the decades. It can seem a bit more challenging for other folks.

It's estimated that, on average, people who aren't physically active lose 3% of their muscle tone every year after middle age. But all you need to do to ...Read more

Deep-fried dangers

Americans are obsessed with fried food -- from Wisconsin's deep-fried cheese curds to Colorado's Rocky Mountain Oysters (actually bulls' testicles). It seems that there's nothing that Americans won't throw into a pot of hot oil. Unfortunately, you're throwing your good health into that pot of trouble, too.

A 2021 review of 17 studies showed ...Read more

Advocating avocados

The U.S. imports tons of avocados from Mexico -- and some sources say that more than 2.7 billion pounds of those luscious green berries (yes, they are berries) are consumed by Americans every year, including more than 54 million pounds of guacamole on Super Bowl Sunday. But even so, only about 2% of Americans eat avocados daily or almost daily. ...Read more

Metabolic syndrome can increase your risk of cancer

You've probably heard the old song, "Leg bone's connected to the knee bone, knee bone's connected to the thigh bone." Well, some connections in the body aren't so obvious.

According to a study of more than 44,000 patients, your risk of developing cancer over the next 10 years jumps by 30% if you have metabolic syndrome. It's diagnosed if you ...Read more

Fuel your passion to live longer and happier

When Cynthia Nixon played American poet Emily Dickinson in the 2016 movie "A Quiet Passion," she portrayed the boundless emotional intensity that Dickinson poured into her art. Your passions can be just as artful, because they protect your ability to stay healthy and happy in your body and brain.

A recent review of multiple studies, done by ...Read more

Fast answers about the latest intermittent fasting news

"Maybe," "but" and "if" are useful words when you think maybe something makes sense, but you want to be cautious and you're not sure if it's 100% right. That makes those words very useful when you're peppered with headlines about health news that don't quite add up.

Take the latest data on adults who practice intermittent fasting by eating ...Read more

Go wild

These days, almost 50% of all fish (like salmon, branzino, catfish and rainbow trout), crustaceans (lobster and shrimp) and mollusks (clams and oysters) are farm-raised, not caught in the wild. When done correctly, that can provide a steady supply of many varieties of those tasty proteins that are in ever-decreasing supply in our oceans. But ......Read more



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