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Stay Present With Kids After Divorce

Parents / Focus on the Family /

Q: My wife left me and filed for divorce, which I didn’t want. But now it’s done. I’m concerned about how I can have a positive influence on my kids since I’m only allowed to be with them a few days out of each month. Do you have any advice?

Jim: My heart goes out to you. While it may seem trite, a good place to begin is with the ...Read more

Leave A Lasting Legacy By Sharing Your Story

Parents / Focus on the Family /

Q: My wife and I both recently retired. We weren't able to have children, and through most of our 45 years of marriage we've just quietly gone about our daily business. Neither of us finished college or ever accomplished anything really noteworthy. We don't have a legacy to leave anyone; still, we want to have an impact on younger generations. ...Read more

Success Does Not Require Perfection

Parents / Focus on the Family /

Q: It seems like whenever I try to make some improvement in my life, like developing a good habit or learning a new skill, I fall short of my goals. I seldom make as much progress as I hope, and it's very discouraging. Do you have any advice?

Jim: I'd say that one of the greatest barriers to success is an "all or nothing" attitude. That's when ...Read more

Love Needs To Be Renewed Every Day

Parents / Focus on the Family /

Q: My wife and I have been married for about four years. We're both a bit concerned that our relationship is already starting to seem a little stale. Is that normal? What can we do about it?

Jim: I get it. When Jean and I first started dating, she lived in Orange County and I lived in San Diego. During those courting days I was willing to go ...Read more


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