


Wandering Arctic fox captured in Oregon, origins unclear


Published in Weird News

(UPI) Animal rescuers in Oregon said a small, white animal spotted earlier this month in Portland was safely captured and positively identified as an Arctic fox.

The Bird Alliance of Oregon said the female Arctic fox was brought into its Wildlife Care Center, but officials still do not know how she ended up in the Portland area.

"Arctic foxes don't naturally occur in Oregon, so this species is considered an exotic animal here," rescuers wrote on social media. Its native habitat is in the far north in places like Greenland, Svalbard, northern Russia, Canada and Alaska.

Rescuers said the fox's behavior is consistent with a life in captivity.


"The fox doesn't show a species appropriate fear response to people, and was actually approaching humans when rescued," the post said. We believe the fox either accidentally escaped from captivity or was intentionally dumped by the people who illegally held her.

The animal was said to be healthy, aside from being dehydrated and "just a little thin."

"We're keeping her fed, hydrated, and providing enrichment while the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife determines next steps," officials wrote.

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