


Idaho man dribbles basketball blindfolded to earn world record


Published in Weird News

(UPI) The Idaho man with the most concurrently-held Guinness World Records titles added another to his name by dribbling a basketball for over an hour while blindfolded.

David Rush said his first attempt at dribbling a basketball blindfolded lasted for 1 hour, 55 minutes and 21 seconds, but it was disqualified because he sat in a chair during the attempt.

He made a second attempt, this time in the Guinness-approved standing position.


"It was much harder on my back, and I had less control," Rush said. Mistakes were easier to make, but I was determined.

The attempt ended after 1 hour, 37 minutes and 2 seconds because Rush's required witnesses had to leave. The time was enough for Rush to clinch the record.

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