


Kitten rescued from under hood of car in animal control parking lot


Published in Weird News

(UPI) Animal rescuers and a mechanic came to the rescue of a kitten that climbed into the engine compartment of an animal control employee's car in Indiana.

Fort Wayne Animal Care and Control said on social media that a staff member was in the parking lot when they heard meowing coming from under the hood of another employee's car.

"She let that staff member know and sure enough, a little kitten was spotted under her car... playing very hard to get," the post said.

Employees pushed the car into the Animal Control garage to prevent the kitten from fleeing, but after two hours of attempts, they were unable to get any closer to the hiding feline.

"During this time, we were having our Read to the Animals program, and one of the children's dad was a car mechanic, so he generously came to help," officials wrote.


The mechanic was able to remove pieces of the car until the kitten, dubbed Blue by workers, could be removed.

"Blue's story is a great reminder to check under the hood of your car before driving as the temperature drops," the post said. Cats sometimes choose to hide under there for warmth or if they don't know where else to hide.

Blue has been given a clean bill of health and is ready to be adopted.

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