


Sumatran tiger cub born at San Diego Zoo


Published in Weird News

(UPI) The San Diego Zoo Wildlife Alliance announced the birth of a baby Sumatran tiger cub at the San Diego Zoo Safari Park.

The alliance said first-time mother Jillian gave birth to a cub Aug. 23 in the park's Tull Family Tiger Trail habitat.

Care specialists said Jillian quickly bonded with the newborn and has been displaying the expected maternal behaviors.

"We are thrilled at the birth of this very special tiger cub at the San Diego Zoo Safari Park," said Lisa Peterson, senior vice president and executive director of the San Diego Zoo Safari Park. This birth adds Jillian's incredibly important genes into the pool of the population, furthering the genetic diversity and health of the Sumatran tiger species.


Sumatran tigers are considered critically endangered, with only 400-600 of the big cats believed to live in the wild.

Officials said the mother and cub will remain in their den for the next few weeks while specialists continue to monitor the duo and their milestones.

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