


2,052 Ikea employees break record for world's largest pajama party


Published in Weird News

(UPI) Furniture company Ikea gathered 2,052 employees at its first store in Sweden to hold the world's largest pajama party.

The chain broke the Guinness World Record for the largest gathering of people wearing two-piece pajamas at a single venue at the store in Almhult.

Company officials said the record attempt was part of Ikea's initiative to create bedroom décor designed to improve sleep.


"We're thrilled about this collective effort, coming together to highlight the importance of sleep," Fredrika Inger, managing director of Ikea of Sweden, said in a news release. Good sleep benefits everyone, and we believe that by prioritizing it, we can genuinely make a big difference. Small adjustments, like choosing the right pillow or lighting can lead to big improvements. Our goal is to make these improvements accessible to everyone because good sleep should be something everyone can achieve.

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