


Car trouble leads N.C. man to $379,747 lottery jackpot


Published in Weird News

(UPI) A North Carolina man found his car trouble to be unexpectedly lucky when a trip to the repair shop earned him a $379,747 lottery jackpot.

Matthews resident Andrzej Kielbon told North Carolina Education Lottery officials he had an appointment to have his car serviced at the dealership, but ended up with some spare time in the morning.

"I woke up a little too early. I would've never played if I didn't get up early," he said.

Kielbon killed time by playing the lottery's online Bison Bonanza game and ended up scoring the $379,747 progressive jackpot.


"I just play for fun," Kielbon said. I didn't think it was real because I was still half asleep.

He said his prize money will allow him to solve his car problems by buying a new electric vehicle. He said he is also planning a trip to Hawaii.

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