


Black bear interrupts Connecticut family's outside time


Published in Weird News

(UPI) A Connecticut family spending time outside in their driveway were sent running by the sudden appearance of a black bear -- and the encounter was caught on camera.

Video recorded by a security camera at Kristin Lee's Simsbury home shows her spending time outside with family members, including her 9-year-old son and 2-year-old nephew.

A bear comes walking through Lee's yard in the footage.

The video shows Lee's son noticing the bear first and shouting, "Bear."


The 2-year-old then announces: "Bear coming."

Lee said no one was hurt and the bear did not appear interested in the humans.

The Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection said the local black bear population has sharply increased in recent years, with sightings reported in 165 of the state's 169 cities and towns in 2023.

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