


Three bison escape Connecticut farm, four bison return


Published in Weird News

(UPI) The owner of a Connecticut farm said three bison that escaped earlier this week came back on their own -- with a fourth bison in tow.

Amanda Maresca, whose family owns 3B Ranch in North Branford, said three bison escaped by knocking over a section of wire fence on Sunday, and all three animals returned to the farm on their own Tuesday night.

Maresca said the returning bovines were accompanied by a newborn baby bison.

"What we've been kind of saying was that the bison went on maternity leave," she told CT Insider.


The Guilford Police Department hailed the return of the missing bison in a Facebook post.

"These fluffernators had a few eventful days out, meeting and greeting the locals, learning about the rules of the road (everyone knows buffalo have the right of way at every intersection now), and finally they decided that it was time to take a nap in the comforts of their own pasture," police wrote.

Maresca said she is hoping to involve the public in choosing a name for the bison baby.

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