


Baby monitor catches twin toddlers belting the Eagles fight song


Published in Weird News

(UPI) A Pennsylvania mother's baby monitor captured her 2-year-old twins singing themselves to sleep with an unusual lullaby: The Philadelphia Eagles' fight song.

Ashley Rotenberg posted a video to Facebook showing 2-year-old Madelyn and Logan belting the Eagles fight song after being put down in their cribs on Sunday.

Rotenberg said the twins, and their 5-year-old sister, have heard the song plenty of times at their home in Bucks County, but the incident marked the first time the toddlers had been noted breaking into the chant on their own.


Rotenberg wrote the twins "couldn't contain their excitement this morning for the Eagles game" on Sunday.

It was unknown whether the twins' enthusiasm was dampened by Carson Wentz suffering a season-ending ACL injury during the game, which the Eagles won.

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