


Answers from Quiz Shows


Published in Jokes

National Lottery Jet Set

Eamonn Holmes: What's the name of the playwright commonly known by the initials G.B.S.?

Contestant: William Shakespeare.

Chris Searle Show, BBC Radio Bristol

Searle: In which European country is Mount Etna?

Caller: Japan.


Searle: I did say which European country, so in case you didn't hear that, I can let you try again.

Caller: Er... Mexico?

Family Fortunes

-- Something a blind man might use? A Sword
-- A Song with the word Moon in the title? Blue Suede Moon
-- Name the Capital of France? F
-- Name a bird with a long Neck? Naomi Campbell
-- Name an occupation where you might need a torch? A burglar
-- Where is the Taj Mahal? Opposite the Dental Hospital
-- A famous Scotsman? Jock
-- Some famous brothers? Bonnie and Clyde.
-- Something that floats in a bath? Water
-- An item of clothing worn by the Three Musketeers? A horse
-- Something you wear on a beach? A deckchair
-- A famous Royal? Mail
-- Something that flies that doesn't have an engine? A bicycle with wings
-- A famous bridge? The Bridge Over Troubled Waters
-- Something a cat does ? Goes to the Toilet
-- Something you do in the bathroom? Decorate
-- A method of securing your home? Put the kettle on
-- Something associated with pigs? The Police
-- A sign of the Zodiac? April
-- Something people might be allergic to? Skiing
-- Something you do before you go to bed? Sleep
-- Something you put on walls? A roof
-- Something Slippery? A conman
-- A kind of ache? A fillet of fish
-- A Jacket Potato topping? Jam
-- A food that can be brown or white? A potato
-- Something sold by gypsies? Bananas
-- Something Red? My sweater



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