


You Know You're a Tech Geek When...


Published in Jokes

- When your friend tells you all about his Cressida V6 and you reply "Yeah, I had V5, and it was full of bugs!"

- When driving you see a license plate with the letters DSR, and you feel compelled to touch your bumper to the other car to see if you can raise CD.

- When you are counting objects "0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,A,B,C,D...".

- When you lay down in the afternoon for a short rest, end up sleeping 4 hours, and call it a "mega-nap".


- When your friend is going to Essex for vacation and you tell her, "You really should go for the DX, it has the built in co-processor."

- When you dream in 256 pallettes of 256 colors.

- When asked about a bus schedule, you wonder if it is 16 or 32 bits.



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