


Retrograde Aftermath

Entertainment / Horoscopes /

In the glow of the worm moon, Mercury retrogrades in Aries, jostling some big feelings with the turn -- as if the solar journey through the sign of the fish wasn't stirring enough on its own. Just know that it's not necessary to process everything the moment it happens. Feelings will wait. Set an emotional curfew. Sleep on it. Tomorrow brings ...Read more

Worm Moon Eclipsed

Entertainment / Horoscopes /

This year's lunar eclipse on the worm moon resonates a theme of invisibility and humility. From a lowly place of diminished ego, more is possible. The reduction of self creates space for becoming. We wiggle our way into possibility. As put by Mary Oliver in her poem "Worm Moon": "The season for curiosity is everlasting and the hour for ...Read more

On the Eve of a Full Moon

Entertainment / Horoscopes /

The solar conjunction to Saturn in Pisces wants to remind us that sensitivity is a feature rather than a bug. And on the eve of the full moon, it's important to note that even favorable circumstances, fortuitous opportunities and wonderful events can come with their own kind of stress. Gentle support and excellent care will help sensitive ...Read more

The Wisdom of First Glances

Entertainment / Horoscopes /

It's possible that the saying "you can't judge a book by its cover" originated in an era when book covers typically had far less graphic and contextual information. Covers indicate quite a lot indeed, and our guesses about what's inside books (projects, people's hearts and minds, and many other things) will be often spot-on as Mercury and ...Read more

The Moon Tests the Expert

Entertainment / Horoscopes /

Why are people annoyed by know-it-alls? Perhaps it's the arrogance of assuming one's position brought them to knowledge that others need and wouldn't have on their own. Or perhaps it's a simple case of attracting attention in ways that others find tedious and pedantic. Whatever it is, as the moon antagonizes the downgraded powerhouse of Pluto,...Read more

Question from the Cancer Moon

Entertainment / Horoscopes /

Many are contemplating changes and improvements, but the idea of adding certain disciplines and habits can feel like a burden to those who are already stretched to the limit. It's not just about willpower; it's about how much energy we have left after holding up the world around us. Lunar trines ask: What would it take to relieve some of the ...Read more

Cosmic Comforts

Entertainment / Horoscopes /

What side of ourselves do we give the people in our inner circle? Is there more we can do to be a source of solace, comfort, loveliness, security and coziness? The question is answered in moments of inspiration today as the sun extends sweetness and good fortune to the domestic realm with a water sign trine to the Cancer moon.

ARIES (March 21...Read more

Emotional Sunshine

Entertainment / Horoscopes /

A water sign trine sparkles in the domestic front. Hopefully, home is where we can be ourselves and be loved for it. This alignment stirs the heart's tides, making it easier to express feelings with both strength and tenderness. Bonds deepen; unspoken understandings emerge; simple acts of care -- shared meals, familiar laughter, a quiet ...Read more

Tricky Friends

Entertainment / Horoscopes /

It's said that you can't say the wrong thing to the right person. Unfortunately, most of the people in our lives are not so much "right" as they are "ours." It is, in fact, very easy to say the wrong thing to a familiar person with a typical array of human moods at their disposal. Two squares from the Gemini moon highlight how easy it is to ...Read more

Fresh Curiosities

Entertainment / Horoscopes /

At this point in the Pisces solar journey, we experience heightened sensitivity, which raises new curiosity. The Mercury change has us keen to land on clear answers where there aren't any, and in that case, we may be tempted to make them up. The human mind hates an open loop, but the human heart begs us to linger in the unsolved a moment ...Read more

Appetite Moon on Fat Tuesday

Entertainment / Horoscopes /

The perfect moon for Mardi Gras, which is French for "Fat Tuesday," is the moon of appetite. The sensual Taurus energies rule this last day of indulgence before the Christian season of Lent begins. Traditionally it's a time to enjoy the richness of life and festivities before the fasting and penance of Lent, and the moon is in full favor of ...Read more

Mercury Alters the Deal

Entertainment / Horoscopes /

Mercury's cross into Aries gives a different energy to communication and commerce. In weeks past, we came to understandings and deals by feeling around for the value of things and being sensitive to signals about what people were willing to pay to solve problems. Now the costs are changing; deals are communicated with directness and precision....Read more

Mercury's Last Day in Pisces

Entertainment / Horoscopes /

If you felt, in the weeks past, you could sometimes read the thoughts of another, that sense will be less pronounced in the new cycle. On the last day of Mercury's journey through the sign of intuition, we realize there's a limit to what can be expressed silently, sent with a look or on the wings of intention. Get ready to dig into a more ...Read more

On This Venus Retrograde

Entertainment / Horoscopes /

Homer suggested, "Whoever obeys the gods, to him they particularly listen." On this Venus retrograde day, the trouble will not be obedience to authority, rather it's understanding what's being asked of us in the first place. But if you don't quite understand the assignment, it's not a bad choice to opt for gratitude, as that's one attitude ...Read more

Expressing the Pisces Moon

Entertainment / Horoscopes /

The moon conjunct Saturn, then Mercury highlights the totally unique self-expression that could only come from you. While plenty of people could, say, make up a poem or sing a certain song in a particular key, no one is going to quite do it the way you do, and that's something to celebrate. Without you, the world would be missing a crucial ...Read more

Question for the New Moon

Entertainment / Horoscopes /

Full moons get the glory, the howling, the magical transformation legends, the special names and parties. New moons get overlooked, understandably, as it's harder to name and celebrate what cannot be seen. The Pisces new moon encourages us to try anyway. And asking, "What am I not seeing?" will bring about realization, release and renewal.

...Read more

Countdown to the New Moon

Entertainment / Horoscopes /

Tomorrow the moon goes dark in the sign of soul, an opportunity to reset. Today is for reflection. If you could wave a magic wand over any relationship in your life and set it back to a completely clean slate, where would you direct that magic? With a little hope and the intent to try again, change will happen. So, what is the change you ...Read more

Piscean Conjunction

Entertainment / Horoscopes /

Following the turn of Mars is a soulful Piscean conjunction, a poetic omen and invitation to dance in less literal interpretations of the world. Logic leaves, love leads, and there is beauty in the blur. It's good to wander unthinkingly through some moments, trusting the answers you need are already within you, waiting to emerge in unexpected ...Read more

Cosmic Building Blocks

Entertainment / Horoscopes /

You should be able to feel proud of what you do, regardless of the scale you're working in. To build, on any level, is helpful. Go forward in hope. The Capricorn moon reminds us all that the contours of life are the result of parts that didn't seem connected at first. Do not doubt that today's circumstances are serendipitously guiding your ...Read more

On the Flip of Mars

Entertainment / Horoscopes /

Mars direct will have us reexamining what is important and what can exist together in the same space. Life is big enough to hold the coexistence of beauty and ugliness, joy and grief -- so we can let go of the compulsion to immediately reconcile them. Accept the complexity. Not all situations yield clear lessons or silver linings.

ARIES (...Read more


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