Dancing the Dreamscape
Neptune strums a waltz while the moon slow dances with Venus. Illusions and longing are a theme as love sees what she wants to see, loves what she wishes were true. A soft-focus lens casts its glow over imperfections, making the real and the imagined indistinguishable. Under this influence, love becomes a dream -- but will it wake up as one?
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Venus in Pisces
Venus slips into her Pisces gown to dance through a cycle of soulful connection. She moves like water, dissolving boundaries, softening edges, turning love into something more than an emotion -- a current, a calling, a surrender. Here, associations are felt beyond words, understood in glances, shared in silence. The heart dreams in a language ...Read more
Countdown to a Venus Change
On the day before a Venus change, you may set out with a specific vision, hoping to capture something precise, but the world is full of currents beyond your control. What drifts into your net is not only what you intended but what was moving in the same direction or stirred by your effort -- perhaps what you didn't even know you needed.
ARIES...Read more
Sacred Geometry
This Aquarius moon recalls the unfolding pattern of a Fibonacci sequence where each new step is built upon what came before. The geometry is present in seashells, pine cones, tree branches, even galaxies. The seemingly magical complexity follows a simple, mathematical truth: keep adding, keep expanding, and trust that each phase is part of a ...Read more
Right Now
There's a solar conjunction to Mercury in the sign of immediacy. We hold on to hope that life will get better later, but then again, when "later" comes, it will be "now." Everything flows back to that moment, which happens to be the only one where change can happen, the only moment where fate is formed, arguably the only moment that really ...Read more
The Slow Moon Climbs
The Capricorn moon dances around weighty themes, yet still, those who are motivated by growth will feel encouraged to keep striving. This becomes a cycle of upward momentum, of setting higher expectations and reaching beyond them. "The slow moon climbs: the deep moans round with many voices." -- "Tithonus" by Alfred, Lord Tennyson
ARIES (...Read more
On a Day of Four Squared Aspects
Fear is often experienced as something very different from its essence, if it even has one. Does a hole have an essence? Fear, like a hole, is defined by what it's not. Fear is felt as a tangible, overwhelming force, but when you look closely, it's a reaction to something missing or lacking -- a potential threat, uncertainty or loss. Fear is a...Read more
On Manufacturing Trouble
As the Mercury retrograde develops, there are plenty of us making simple things more complicated. Perhaps it keeps us entertained, or the drama attracts the attention we crave. Or maybe, in the maze of complexity, we find an excuse to avoid the real challenge waiting right in front of us. True growth comes from taking on existing complexities,...Read more
The Birth of a New Astrological Year
The Spring Equinox, Ostara and International Astrology Day are all celebrated in the perfect first light of Aries Season. An empowering joy propels us into higher realms. Now how does joy do this when it has no physical form? Joy is not a commodity but a response -- a force that elevates your spirit, but not the spirit itself. Recognize it for...Read more
Illusion and Delusions of a Neptunian Conjunction
"Authenticity" is an overused, misunderstood word. There are many aspects of you that are "real," but which should you present to earn the label "authentic"? The very question sets the stage for inauthenticity. Perhaps to be "authentic" we must stop caring about it so much. It is human nature to care how we're being perceived. To admit that ...Read more
Visionary Neptune Nearing Solar Conjunction
In these final days of a solar cycle, Neptune brings the themes of Pisces season to a finer point. Time isn't as linear as it seems. Every moment holds echoes of what's to come. The future isn't some distant mystery; it's already taking shape in the choices, patterns and moments unfolding around you. "When you cut into the present, the future ...Read more
Mercury Teases
The Mercury retrograde is a trickster's paradise. Many are game for a little mischief, pushing boundaries just enough to keep things interesting. Note that teasing is a form of love for those who share a certain perspective of themselves in the world. Of course, some egos are too fragile to see the humor in themselves. But for those who get it...Read more
Retrograde Ridiculousness
Because it's human nature to avoid looking ridiculous, many choose vocations like health care, construction or retail, and comparatively few are in vocations such as clown. The Mercury retrograde is a fine time to lean into folly. Consider the irresistible charm of the absurd. It is often when you see someone at their most ridiculous that you ...Read more
A Retrograde Mercury's Musings
Is life random, or does everything happen for a reason? Is it really chaos if it weaves patterns? And is it really a pattern if you only see it in hindsight? These are the questions in the early days of this Pisces season's Mercury retrograde. Arguably, lives of purpose are more joyful, beautiful and exciting, even if we must create the ...Read more
Retrograde Aftermath
In the glow of the worm moon, Mercury retrogrades in Aries, jostling some big feelings with the turn -- as if the solar journey through the sign of the fish wasn't stirring enough on its own. Just know that it's not necessary to process everything the moment it happens. Feelings will wait. Set an emotional curfew. Sleep on it. Tomorrow brings ...Read more
Worm Moon Eclipsed
This year's lunar eclipse on the worm moon resonates a theme of invisibility and humility. From a lowly place of diminished ego, more is possible. The reduction of self creates space for becoming. We wiggle our way into possibility. As put by Mary Oliver in her poem "Worm Moon": "The season for curiosity is everlasting and the hour for ...Read more
On the Eve of a Full Moon
The solar conjunction to Saturn in Pisces wants to remind us that sensitivity is a feature rather than a bug. And on the eve of the full moon, it's important to note that even favorable circumstances, fortuitous opportunities and wonderful events can come with their own kind of stress. Gentle support and excellent care will help sensitive ...Read more
The Wisdom of First Glances
It's possible that the saying "you can't judge a book by its cover" originated in an era when book covers typically had far less graphic and contextual information. Covers indicate quite a lot indeed, and our guesses about what's inside books (projects, people's hearts and minds, and many other things) will be often spot-on as Mercury and ...Read more
The Moon Tests the Expert
Why are people annoyed by know-it-alls? Perhaps it's the arrogance of assuming one's position brought them to knowledge that others need and wouldn't have on their own. Or perhaps it's a simple case of attracting attention in ways that others find tedious and pedantic. Whatever it is, as the moon antagonizes the downgraded powerhouse of Pluto,...Read more
Question from the Cancer Moon
Many are contemplating changes and improvements, but the idea of adding certain disciplines and habits can feel like a burden to those who are already stretched to the limit. It's not just about willpower; it's about how much energy we have left after holding up the world around us. Lunar trines ask: What would it take to relieve some of the ...Read more