


White to Play and Mate in Four

Pete Tamburro on

Published in Chess Puzzles

The Illustrated London News in 1845 called this study by J.W. Barnes a 'clever and instructive study.' Usually, four move mates can be impossible to the average solver, but we have a feeling many of you will come up with the solution to this one. Considering the email we get, there are quite a few very alert people out there!


1.Qg8 Qe6+ [1...e6 2.Qxe8 Qa8 (2...Be7 3.Nc4#) 3.Qd7#] 2.Qxe6+ Kxe6 3.Nf5 Nd6 4.Nxg7# By the way, even though the ILN called this a study, it really isn't as studies must be legal positions, and the bishop on d8 could not have gotten there legally. A cute early problem, though!


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