


Black to Play and Mate

Pete Tamburro on

Published in Chess Puzzles

We're back to practical problems today. This is a game position from Rabinovich-Chekover, Leningrad, 1933. Chekover initiated an unstoppable mating attack here. That means it's forcing. Think in those terms and don't forget about the role each of your pieces can play. Good luck!


1...Qg3 (Threatens mate on g2. White has no choice but to take the queen) 2.fxg3 Rxg2+ (This is what had to been seen before playing Qg3. Take a look at the original position. When thinking in chess, you have to look at what can be. You have to see the rook "attacking" g2 along with the bishop really attack g2, then ask yourself how you can make that happen. If only that pawn weren’t there. Then you realize that the moving of the f-pawn can be dangerous for White and you look for a move that takes advantage of that. Thus, Qg3!) 3.Kh1 Rdd2 (Now there is a threat of Rh2+ that can only be delayed, not stopped). 4.Rf3 Bxf3 5.Qf1 Rh2+ 6.Kg1 Rh1#


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