


Family guide to new movie releases

Katie Walsh, Tribune News Service on

Published in Entertainment News


Rated R for pervasive language, some violence, drug use and sexual references.

What it’s about: A sequel to the 2018 heist movie that takes the action to Europe and the world of diamond thieves.

The kid attractor factor: Not much, this is an adult crime thriller.

Good lessons/bad lessons: As always, in crime, be careful who you trust.

Violence: Shooting, car chases, etc.

Language: Swearing and strong language throughout.

Sex: References to sex but nothing graphic.

Drugs: On-screen drug use and references to drugs.

Parents’ advisory: Too mature for kids, OK for teens.




Rated R for language.

What it’s about: An embittered and angry woman struggles with her emotions and family dynamic.

The kid attractor factor: This is more of an adult drama.

Good lessons/bad lessons: Repressing emotions can only lead to them exploding in some way.

Violence: Just verbal abuse.

Language: Swearing and strong language.

Sex: None

Drugs: None

Parents’ advisory: This is more of a drama, not much appeal for kids, but it's fine for older kids and teens.


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