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Tufts University suspends Students for Justice in Palestine chapter after anti-Israel group calls for students to 'Join the Student Intifada!'

Rick Sobey, Boston Herald on

Published in News & Features

BOSTON — A Tufts University student group that was under fire a year ago for supporting Hamas’ terrorist attack on Israel has been suspended after the pro-Palestine group used images of assault rifles to promote an Oct. 7 protest as they called for students to “Join the Student Intifada!”

Tufts recently placed the Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) group on interim suspension due to multiple violations of university policies, according to a Tufts spokesperson.

Those violations included Tufts SJP posting an image on their Instagram account that depicted people with assault rifles and calling for students to “Join the Student Intifada!” and “escalate” at an Oct. 7 event. Last Oct. 7, Hamas terrorists slaughtered Israelis and took hostages.

“Thank you, @TuftsUniversity, for swiftly suspending the university’s SJP chapter after they used images of assault rifles/weapons to promote an event they planned for the one-year anniversary of 10/7,” Anti-Defamation League’s New England chapter posted on social media.

“The call to join the ‘student intifada’ and ‘escalate’ is a call condoning violence,” ADL New England added.

Also last month, Tufts SJP members during a protest marched through an academic building and hung signs from and blocked the entrance to another campus building — for which it’s already facing a conduct proceeding.

Tufts SJP also failed to meet the requirements from previous disciplinary actions related to protests the group led last spring and had already been placed on a hold, meaning some of its privileges had been suspended.

“The suspension will remain in effect until the case is fully resolved,” a Tufts spokesperson said in a statement. “During this time, SJP must halt all activities, events, and meetings. Any attempt to continue operating during this suspension will result in serious disciplinary consequences for both the organization and its leaders.


“At the start of this academic year, Tufts University emphasized its expectations for student protests and advocacy,” the university spokesperson added. “We provided clear guidelines to ensure a learning environment free from disruption, while supporting students’ interests in speech and demonstration. As outlined in our August 22 message: ‘Advocacy and protest must not disrupt university operations, engage in name-calling or discrimination, or intimidate or harass others.’ ”

Tufts SJP last year following the Hamas terrorist attack in Israel posted in favor of the terrorists.

“Since Friday, Palestinians have been launching a historic attack on the colonizers,” Tufts SJP wrote in a letter last year. “Footage of liberation fighters from Gaza paragliding into occupied territory has especially shown the creativity necessary to take back stolen land.”

After Tufts SJP was recently suspended, the group took to Instagram, writing that they “will not back down, we will not apologize.”

“… nearly a year into israel’s genocide of Gaza, funded by our tuition and tax dollars, tufts university suspended SJP over a flyer for a protest, condemning it as violent,” the group posted. “tufts cites the content of our flyer as violent, yet maintains investment and research ties that directly enable israel’s violent genocide in Palestine.”


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