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Rep. Lloyd Doggett urges Biden to end campaign as GOP steps up pressure

Daniela Altimari, CQ-Roll Call on

Published in News & Features

“The entire world knows Joe Biden isn’t fit to serve,’’ said Will Reinert, spokesman for the NRCC. “Yet if extreme House Democrats cannot bring themself to say that publicly, why would Americans ever think they would do the right thing for the good of the country?”

In a memo released Monday, Jack Pandol, communications director of the NRCC, said Republicans are planning to “weaponize House Democrats’ blind allegiance to their doddering Commander in Chief.”

The stakes are especially high for House races. With Republicans strongly favored to take control of the Senate, flipping the House could be seen as a key firewall on one-party rule. Democrat Adam Frisch, who nearly flipped a seat in Colorado’s 3rd District in 2022 and is running again, also urged Biden to step aside on Tuesday.

“I thank President Biden for his years of service, but the path ahead requires a new generation of leadership to take our country forward,” he said in a video message posted on social media.

Most Democrats, however, had refrained from a public denunciation of Biden.


“House races have always been about the strength of our candidates, combined with the fact that Democrats deliver when in charge while extreme Republicans sow chaos,” said Viet Shelton, spokesperson for the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee. Shelton cited recent internal polls showing Democrats outrunning their Republican opponents across the battleground, adding “that hasn’t changed after the debate.”

For their part, Democrats were seeking to shift the conversation from Biden to Monday’s Supreme Court ruling, which held that presidents are immune from federal prosecution for official acts. In brief comments Monday night, Biden denounced the decision, calling it “a dangerous precedent because the power of the office will no longer be constrained by the law.”

The Democratic National Committee took out ads on the homepages of three swing-state newspapers — The Atlanta Journal-Constitution, The Philadelphia Inquirer and The Arizona Republic — that highlighted the ruling and portrayed Trump as a threat to democracy.

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