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Steve Bannon reports to prison to begin 4-month sentence

Brian Niemietz, New York Daily News on

Published in News & Features

Former Trump Administration Chief Strategist Steve Bannon became inmate 05635-509 in Danbury, Connecticut shortly after noon on Monday.

The far-right wing activist was ordered to serve a four-month sentence for defying a congressional subpoena to address the Jan.6 attack on the U.S. Capitol. He fought that contempt conviction for nearly two years before exhausting his appeals.

A jury convicted Bannon for refusing to answer a subpoena issued by the Jan. 6 House Committee investigating that violent uprising, and also for refusing to turn over documents pertaining to his involvement. He unsuccessfully argued Trump granted him executive privilege to ignore the subpoena.

His last day of freedom before fall ended with a press conference attended by supporters including former police commissioner and pardoned convict Bernie Kerik and Georgia Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene.

“Steve will be fine for 4 months,” Greene assured attendees.

Bannon thanked media members for showing up, blamed “The Deep State” for removing Trump from office and encouraged Trump to campaign forcefully over the next several months. He insisted he was “proud” to serve time in what he believes to be furtherance of the MAGA movement.


“Fight on!” Bannon said. “If President Trump continues to fight, victory will be ours.”

After being blessed by a priest, Bannon ended Monday’s gathering and said, “It’s time for me to surrender at Danbury.”

Bannon reported to prison after his press conference, though Bureau of Prison (BOP) records listed him as “Not in BOP custody” shortly after that event concluded.

Bannon’s supporters on social media also claimed the pundit is a political prisoner, including Colorado Rep. Lauren Boebert, who on X protested his imprisonment.


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