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Samuel Woodward describes how he stabbed former classmate Blaze Bernstein to death

Sean Emery, The Orange County Register on

Published in News & Features

“Everything was just one big flood,” Woodward said. “I just remember losing my mind. I remember not knowing what to do.”

Woodward denied that he planned to kill Bernstein that night, that the killing had anything to do with Atomwaffen, or that it was due to Bernstein being gay or Jewish.

Deputy District Attorney Jennifer Walker had little time at the end of Thursday to question Woodward about his description of the killing. But the prosecutor noted that Woodward sent messages to Bernstein’s phone afterward that made it sound like Bernstein had walked off and never returned.

“You killed Blaze, you buried him and then you were going to continue to cover up the crime?” Walker asked.

“That wasn’t my intention, no,” Woodward replied.

As he had over the previous three days of testimony, Woodward repeatedly took lengthy pauses — at times with his eyes appearing closed — before responding to his attorney’s question, at times taking up to 30 seconds before answering. Morrison repeatedly asked Woodward to pick his head up, sweep his hair away from his face and look at either the attorney or the jury.


Woodward also had to be repeatedly prodded by his attorney to move forward with his narrative of what happened the night of the killing.

“Do you believe Blaze Bernstein deserved to die that night?” Morrison asked at one point.

“No,” Woodward answered.

Woodward is scheduled to return to the stand for more questioning by the prosecutor on Monday morning.


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