


Today's Word "remunerate"

To compensate for on

Published in Vocabulary

remunerate \rih-MYOO-nuh-rate\ (transitive verb) - 1 : To pay an equivalent to for any service, loss, or expense; to recompense. 2 : To compensate for; to make payment for.

"She would remunerate me handsomely; since yesterday's pay scales seem quaint today, and today's are likely to seem quaint tomorrow, I'll put my remuneration in terms of purchasing power: the amount that she was willing to pay me each week would be equivalent to the price of dinner for two with drinks, tax, and tip at a modest restaurant in Manhattan." - Eric Kraft, 'Inflating a Dog'


Remunerate comes from Latin remunerari, "to reward," from re-, "back, again" + munerari, "to give, to present," from munus, "a gift."


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