


Today's Word "concinnity"

Knowledge / Vocabulary /

concinnity \kuhn-SIN-uh-tee\ (noun) - 1 : Internal harmony or fitness in the adaptation of parts to a whole or to each other. 2 : Studied elegance of design or arrangement -- used chiefly of literary style. 3 : An instance of concinnity.

"To the exact extent that she imposes on language the phantasms of her mind, she dismisses the presence of ...Read more

Today's Word "gambol"

Knowledge / Vocabulary /

gambol \GAM-buhl\ (intransitive verb) - To dance and skip about in play; to frolic.

(noun) - A skipping or leaping about in frolic.

"As he jogged along a little distance ahead of us, the young dogs would gambol about him, leap on his neck, worry at his ears, and endeavor to tease him..." -- Washington Irving, 'Abbotsford and Newstead Abbey'

...Read more

Today's Word "hypnagogic"

Knowledge / Vocabulary /

hypnagogic \hip-nuh-GOJ-ik; -GOH-jik\ (adjective) - Of, pertaining to, or occurring in the state of drowsiness preceding sleep.

"For over a year, then, the ship noted without alarm Wanda's active EEG, the various expressions of her busy hypnagogic life." -- Rob Swigart, 'Portal'

Hypnagogic (sometimes spelled hypnogogic) ultimately derives from...Read more

Today's Word "ken"

Knowledge / Vocabulary /

ken \KEN\ (noun) - 1 : Perception; understanding; knowledge. 2 : The range of vision. 3 : View; sight.

"Little things, trifles, slip out of one's ken, and one does not think it matter for surprise; but how a so bulky thing as the Seal of England can vanish away and no man be able to get track of it again..." -- Mark Twain, 'The Prince and the ...Read more

Today's Word "largess"

Knowledge / Vocabulary /

largess \lar-ZHES; lar-JES; LAR-jes\ (noun) - 1 : Generous giving (as of gifts or money), often accompanied by condescension. 2 : Gifts, money, or other valuables so given. 3 : Generosity; liberality.

""If I was a princess -- a real princess," she murmured, "I could scatter largess to the populace." -- Frances Hodgson Burnett, 'A Little ...Read more

Today's Word "contradistinction"

Knowledge / Vocabulary /

contradistinction \kon-truh-dis-TINK-shuhn\ (noun) - Distinction by contrast; as, "sculpture in contradistinction to painting."

"And after all, what could either of them get from such a passion but a sense of his or of her own maximum self, in contradistinction to all the rest of life..." -- D.H. Lawrence, 'The Rainbow'

Contradistinction is ...Read more

Today's Word "megalomania"

Knowledge / Vocabulary /

megalomania \meg-uh-lo-MAY-nee-ah; -nyuh\ (noun) - 1 : A mania for grandiose or extravagant things or actions. 2 : A mental disorder characterized by delusions of grandeur.

"What looked before like 'walking reason' was now 'screeching megalomania'. And the flaw it implied in her was not simply a neurosis but a profound disease." -- Jeff Walker,...Read more

Today's Word "stolid"

Knowledge / Vocabulary /

stolid \STOL-id\ (adjective) - Having or revealing little emotion or sensibility; not easily excited.

"The redbrick church, austere and stolid as a winter-shorn oak, sprang from the frozen lawn wreathed by sun-sparkling cars." -- James Isaiah Gabbe, 'Larue's Manuevers'

Stolid derives from Latin stolidus, "unmoving, stupid."

Today's Word "countermand"

Knowledge / Vocabulary /

countermand \KOWN-tuhr-mand; kown-tuhr-MAND\ (transitive verb) - 1 : To revoke (a former command); to cancel or rescind by giving an order contrary to one previously given. 2 : To recall or order back by a contrary order.

(noun) - 1 : A contrary order. 2 : Revocation of a former order or command.

"He argued that if the Rising went ahead as ...Read more

Today's Word "toothsome"

Knowledge / Vocabulary /

toothsome \TOOTH-suhm\ (adjective) - 1 : Pleasing to the taste; delicious; as, "a toothsome pie." 2 : Agreeable; attractive; as, "a toothsome offer." 3 : Sexually attractive.

"Tarzan had not broken fast this day, and it was many miles to where lay the toothsome remains of Horta the boar." -- Edgar Rice Burroughs, 'Tarzan of the Apes'

Toothsome...Read more

Today's Word "alfresco"

Knowledge / Vocabulary /

alfresco \al-FRES-koh\ (adverb) - In the open air; outdoors.

(adjective) - Taking place or located in the open air; outdoor.

"I thought an alfresco picnic would be fun, and the weather is supposed to be rather nice, later, for March; we can wrap up warm and sit on the beach." -- Tess Stimson, 'The Adultry Club'

Alfresco is from the Italian al...Read more

Today's Word "redivivus"

Knowledge / Vocabulary /

redivivus \red-uh-VY-vuhs; -VEE-\ (adjective) - Living again; brought back to life; revived; restored.

"'He can't be redivivus if he's never died,' Diotallevi said. 'Sure he's not Ahasuerus, the wandering Jew?'" -- Umberto Eco, 'Foccault's Pendulum'

Redivivus comes from Latin, from the prefix red-, re-, "again" + vivus, "alive."

Today's Word "melange"

Knowledge / Vocabulary /

melange \may-LAHNZH\ (noun) - A mixture; a medley.

"Harley Burton's office was a melange of overcrowded and mismatched furnishings. The desk, huge and oblong, was too large for the room; the chairs too small..." -- Katherine V. Forrest, 'Amateur City'

Melange derives from Old French meslance, from mesler, "to mix," ultimately from Latin ...Read more

Today's Word "tmesis"

Knowledge / Vocabulary /

tmesis \TMEE-sis\ (noun) - In grammar and rhetoric, the separation of the parts of a compound word, now generally done for humorous effect; for example, "what place soever" instead of "whatsoever place," or "abso-bloody-lutely."

"...He proceeded to expound upon the intricacies of Eratosthenes' prose, with its anaphora, asyndeton, synesis and ...Read more

Today's Word "firmament"

Knowledge / Vocabulary /

firmament \FUR-muh-muhnt\ (noun) - 1 : The region of the air; the sky; the heavens. 2 : The field or sphere of an interest or activity.

"Then all at once he reached the gates of the firmament and the cloud opened, so that Moses could step out." -- Howard Schwartz, 'Gabriel's Palace: Jewish Mystical Tales"

Firmament comes from Late Latin ...Read more

Today's Word "benefaction"

Knowledge / Vocabulary /

benefaction \BEN-uh-fak-shuhn; ben-uh-FAK-shuhn\ (noun) - 1 : The act of conferring a benefit. 2 : A benefit conferred; especially, a charitable donation.

"Benefaction is its own reward, to be sure, but benefaction is not enough. To do good is good; to free up to do good is greater." -- Tim Jorgenson, 'Mrs Keckly Sends Her Regards: The Last ...Read more

Today's Word "xenophobia"

Knowledge / Vocabulary /

xenophobia \ZEN-uh-FOE-bee-uh\ (noun) - Fear or hatred of strangers, people from other countries, or of anything that is strange or foreign.

"Even if Indians had been accepting of mixed alliances, the xenophobia of the British warranted no other response to Anglo-Indian alliances..." -- Indu Sundaresan, 'The Splendor of Silence'

The word ...Read more

Today's Word "quaff"

Knowledge / Vocabulary /

quaff \KWOFF; KWAFF\ (transitive verb) - To drink with relish; to drink copiously of; to swallow in large draughts. (intransitive verb) To drink largely or luxuriously. (noun) A drink quaffed.

"Quaff, oh quaff this kind nepenthe and forget this lost Lenore!' Quoth the Raven, 'Nevermore.'" -- Edgar Allen Poe, 'The Raven'

Quaff is of unknown ...Read more

Today's Word "officious"

Knowledge / Vocabulary /

officious \uh-FISH-uhs\ (adjective) - Marked by excessive eagerness in offering services or advice where they are neither requested nor needed; meddlesome.

"Another officious-looking woman, who looked remarkably like the first officious-looking woman, down to the little chain on her reading glasses, had him sit down across from her while she ...Read more

Get Thee to a 'Nonword'-ery!

Knowledge / The Word Guy /

They lurk like menacing demons on the fringes of our linguistic campfire. Watching and scowling from the dark woods, they wait for their chance to leap into our vocabularies.

Yes, folks, they're the nonwords -- those diabolical distortions and deviations that occasionally defile our mouths and pens.

Their satanic leader is "irregardless," a ...Read more


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