


Today's Word "enunciate"

To utter articulately on

Published in Vocabulary

enunciate \ee-NUN-see-ayt; ih-\ (transitive verb) - 1 : To utter articulately; to pronounce. 2 : To state or set forth precisely or systematically. 3 : To announce; to proclaim; to declare.

(intransitive verb) - To utter words or syllables articulately.

"'I now call on any here present with a prior claim to this woman to enunciate such claim clearly and fully as an impediment to the Holy Ceremony of Marriage we are here to undertake..." -- Herbie Brennan, 'The Purple Emperor"


Enunciate comes from Latin enuntiare, "to tell; to disclose; to declare; to pronounce clearly," from e- + nuntiare, "to announce," from nuntius, "a messenger."


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