


Today's Word "descant"

A discourse on a theme on

Published in Vocabulary

descant \DES-kant\ (noun) - 1 : (Music) (a) A melody or counterpoint sung above the plain song of the tenor. (b) The upper voice in part music. 2 : A discourse or discussion on a theme.

\DES-kant; des-KANT; dis-\ (intransitive verb) - 1 : (a) To sing or play a descant. (b) To sing. 2 : To comment freely; to discourse at length.

"Nay, now you are too flat,
And mar the concord with too harsh a descant.
There wanteth but a mean to fill your song." -- William Shakespeare, 'The Two Gentlemen of Verona'


Descant is derived from Medieval Latin discantus, "a refrain," from Latin dis- + cantus, "song," from the past participle of canere, "to sing."



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