


Today's Word "Logorrhea"


Published in Vocabulary

logorrhea \lah-geh-REE-eh or lo-geh-REE-eh\ (noun) - Excessively wordy, incoherent speech.

"When Lawrence saw his daughter's new piercings and tattoo, he went from stammering to logorrhea in 2.6 seconds."


Late 19th century, from Greek logo-s "word, idea" and rhe-in "to flow, run." "Logos" is akin to the "lex-" (leg-s-) in "lexical" as well as the "leg-" in "legal" and "legislation," going back to a time when the law was the Word. Rhe-in derives from PIE sreu-, with the "s" mysteriously disappearing. This root also developed into Germanic "strom" ("maelstrom') and English "stream."


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