Today's Word "Nychthemeron"
Published in Vocabulary
nychthemeron \nik-THE-meh-rehn\ (noun) - A 24-hour period, comprising a nighttime and daylight segment.
"If you don't have this room cleaned up in a nychthemeron, you're grounded"
Greek adjective nykhthemeron neuter of nykhthemeros "lasting for a night and a day" from nykh, nykt- "night" and (h)emera "day" (nyktas te kai emar "by night and day"). The PIE root for "night" is negw-t- or nokw-t "night," appearing in Russian noch', Latin nox, noctis, and German Nacht. Underlying stem is probably negw- "dark" found in Latin niger "black" and Italian "negro." This root also appears in "denigrate." For more on PIE, see "Words: Where do they Come from" in the YD library.