


'Extraordinary honor': Biden gives Presidential Medal of Freedom to Pelosi, Clyburn, Kerry and others

John T. Bennett, CQ-Roll Call on

Published in Political News

The California Democrat was the first woman speaker, taking the gavel the first time in 2007 and holding it until 2011. She returned to the speakership in 2019, a post she held until 2023. “She used her superpowers to pass some of the most significant laws in our nation’s history,” Biden said, adding: “History will remember you as the greatest speaker of the House of Representatives. … I love you, kid.”

Pelosi ran a tight ship, and often reminded reporters that she was an appropriator by training and a skilled legislator. She rarely put a major or controversial bill on the floor without first being sure it would pass.

One of her top accomplishments was helping Obama shepherd the 2010 health care overhaul through the House. Later, she often clashed with Trump — arguing openly with him in the Oval Office in front of journalists and later ripping up her copy of his State of the Union address.

Rep. James E. Clyburn

The South Carolina Democrat became something of a kingmaker during the 2020 Democratic presidential primary. His endorsement of Biden in the Palmetto State helped springboard the former vice president to the party’s nomination. “Jim has guided South Carolina and our country with a steady hand and honest heart for over the last half-century,” Biden said. “I would not be standing here as president making these awards without Jim.”

As a student activist leader at South Carolina State University, Clyburn helped organize a number of civil rights marches and demonstrations.


“Through three decades in the House, Rep. Clyburn has transformed the lives of millions of Americans and created a freer country,” the White House said in a statement.

Former Vice President Al Gore

The former Tennessee House member later became a senator, before becoming the vice president to President Bill Clinton. He conceded the 2000 presidential election to George W. Bush after a lengthy court battle, a move that often is cited as a contrast to Trump trying to overturn his 2020 loss to Biden. Gore did so “for the sake of unity and trust in our institutions,” the president said.

Gore has since become a leading global voice on climate issues. He once pitched a “lock box” aimed at preserving the Medicare program, which drew parodies from comedians, including on “Saturday Night Live.”


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