From the Right



Every Terrible, Evil Thing Happening In America Is Courtesy of China, Obama and Satan! Here's How They're Doing It!

Wayne Allyn Root on

-- Our once-mighty military being decimated by DEI, CRT, transgender brainwashing, climate change fraud and deadly vaccines. And we've given all the weapons and ammo away to Ukraine.

-- "Defund the police" combined with communist-backed district attorneys who allow violent criminals to walk free with "no bail." The result? A mass crime wave; retail theft at historic levels; streets filled with homeless people, drug needles, pee and poop; retail businesses closing by the thousands.

-- Food shortages mixed with supply chain dysfunction, led by the least qualified human being in U.S. history -- Mayor Pete Butthead.

-- Historic levels of "excess deaths" only since the day the COVID vaccine was introduced. What happens to our economy as those deaths multiply and there is no one left to fill jobs crucial to society? Who gains if our society collapses?

-- Everyone running for their lives from blue cities and states, driving property values dramatically down.

Who benefits most from this disaster? China.

ALL this chaos, crisis and catastrophe has been created and coordinated by China and the CCP to weaken, disrupt, divide, demoralize and eventually destroy America, the U.S. economy and capitalism. This is all straight out of the communist playbook.

When it gets bad enough, when it causes civil war and/or the collapse of our economy and society, China and the CCP plan to be there to pick up the pieces. To conquer us and enslave us into a Godless communist society.

Or, at the very least, dominate America economically, militarily and on the world stage.

And as a bonus, they get to take over our farmland and valuable real estate at cheap "bargain basement" prices.

Or as an absolute worst scenario (for China), civil war, division and anarchy will keep America weak and distracted when China invades Taiwan.


How is all of this happening? Who would allow this? It's simple. China has bribed virtually all our key politicians and key government bureaucrats.

Our political leaders and key government bureaucrats are all getting filthy rich on America's downfall.

This also explains what's happening to President Trump. Trump is the only one standing in the way of China's plan to conquer America and dominate the world. Trump is the only one too wealthy to bribe. He's the only one not going along with the plan, so he must be demonized, destroyed, bankrupted, rot for life in prison or assassinated.

Yes, this is all China and the CCP.

With an assist from Obama.

And Satan at the very top of the pyramid.

And if you don't understand this, you're either blind, deaf, really dumb, or you're part of the conspiracy.


Wayne Allyn Root is known as "the Conservative Warrior." Wayne's latest book is out, "The Great Patriot BUY-cott Book." Wayne is now the host of two new TV shows on Real America's Voice and Mike Lindell TV. He is also host of the nationally syndicated "Wayne Allyn Root: Raw & Unfiltered" on USA Radio Network, daily from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. EST. Visit for more information.

Copyright 2024 Creators Syndicate, Inc.




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