From the Right



Biden's Loan Amnesty Passes the Buck

Debra Saunders on

These forgiveness schemes send the message, Foxx added, that "loans will never have to be paid back." The result is a vicious cycle of colleges raising prices and students borrowing more. When you add room and board, the cost of attending some name schools already is approaching $100,000 per year.

One thing the left doesn't seem to appreciate is that higher education is a choice. Ergo, going to an expensive school isn't something you should expect other people to bankroll.

High school graduates are free to apply not only to pricey universities but also to more affordable institutions, including community colleges.

And really, the quality of an education is a function not only of a school's reputation but also of how much work students put into their studies and how well they challenge themselves.

The other affront to Democrats' sensibilities is the notion that some people should go to community college. According to the highly regarded NAEP test, just 37% of U.S. high school graduates were proficient at reading in 2019.

I know the president wants to take on "income inequality," but that's not done with the wave of a wand when so many students graduate unprepared for college.


As November approaches and young liberals have shown themselves unenthusiastic about the incumbent, Team Biden is spinning this scheme as a noble effort opposed by Republicans, who stopped Biden's first effort to "forgive" student loans unilaterally by executive order.

All I can say is: Go, GOP. The right should fight against welfare for the better educated.

Contact Review-Journal Washington columnist Debra J. Saunders at Follow @debrajsaunders on X.


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