From the Left



Is Donald Trump Putin's 'puppet'? When the Shoe Fits....

By Clarence Page, Tribune Content Agency on

Donald Trump's big PeeWee Herman moment came during a clash in his final debate with his opponent Hillary Clinton over Russia.

The moment came during a question about one of her speeches released by WikiLeaks. Trump said Russian leader Vladimir Putin has no respect for Clinton.

"That's because he'd rather have a puppet as president," Clinton replied sharply.

Trump, after taking a moment to comprehend what he had just been served, fired back with all the sophistication of PeeWee the former kiddy show star:

"No puppet," he said, trying to talk over her. "No puppet. You're the puppet. No, you're the puppet."

It was a classic Trump move. When you're backed into a corner with virtually zero knowledge of what you're talking about, accuse your opponent of whatever happens to be their worst charge against you.


But back in the real world, suspicions about Trump's relationship with Putin took on a new urgency in the final days of their presidential bids. Clinton suddenly found herself ahead in the polls but slipping, reportedly because of a strange alliance: FBI agents, WikiLeaks' Julian Assange, Russian hackers and "the highest levels" of Russian intelligence.

All, according to various reports, were ganging up on the former secretary of state in service of ... what? That's the big question.

We know that the FBI is divided internally. FBI Director James Comey, according to various reports, has been taking heat internally for deciding in July not to prosecute Clinton for what he called her "extremely careless" handling of emails that included some classified information.

We also know that former KGB operative Putin has had a burr under his saddle for Clinton since at least 2011 when he accused her of inciting street protests that erupted against him over charges of -- Guess what? -- election fraud.


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