


Today's Word "woebegone"

Beset or overwhelmed with woe on

Published in Vocabulary

woebegone \WOE-bee-gon\ (adjective) - 1 : Beset or overwhelmed with woe; immersed in grief or sorrow; woeful. 2 : Being in a sorry condition; dismal-looking; dilapidated; run-down.

"When the lunch bell rang the woebegone employees all trudged joylessly to the cafeteria for their tasteless sustenence."


Woebegone is from Middle English wo begon, from wo (from Old English wa, used to express grief) + begon, past participle of begon, "to go about, to beset," from Old English began, bigan, from bi-, "around, about" + gan, "to go."


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